+91-73388 96055
About Brilliant CBSE School
Our Esteemed Institution was Established on 02.11.2012 by the Sathiya Subramanian educational and medical charitable trust in memory of Mr.V.Veeriyathevar with an aim to provide a quality education to the children of this region in an affordable cost.The school began with 220 children from Pre KG to class VII in the acadamic year 2013-2014.School was affliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education New Delhi on 02.01.2014 upto secondary level.We have been soaring towards an excellence by the grace of almighty,support of parents and well wishers.
The motto of the school is to be a reservoir of knowledge,which proclaims not only the purpose of education but also the basic tenets of a global society in a new world order.
Our Mission is to provide a vibrant forum for quality education, with a scientific temper,adaptive to the changing needs of time, to ensure all round development of the child and expose him/her to a wide spectrum of co-curricular learning which is essential to make the child confident and ready to step out in today’s challenging world. To garner the best values from the Indian Tradition and other world cultures and expose the children to rich the Indian culture and spiritual heritage ,creating genuine respect for their country. At same time acquaint them with the world heritage and engender in them a spirit of openness,respective,tolerance.
Brilliant Senior Secondary School is dedicated to constantly upgrading its unique & futuristic system of education, which is one of its kinds in the schooling fraternity. Brilliant Senior Secondary School is a dynamic educational community created by the interaction of committed faculty and enthusiastic parents. The vision of Brilliant Senior Secondary School extends beyond the narrow walls of classroom and textbooks. At Brilliant Senior Secondary School, we believe that education is all about preparing and equipping young people for life and not just for school. With this philosophy as our source of inspiration, we aim to provide a stimulating environment wherein children enjoy learning and can also perform to the best of their abilities, in all areas of our extensive curriculum. By providing inclusive education at Brilliant Senior Secondary School, we also aim to build capacity in our children to accept the challenges of life. At Brilliant Senior Secondary School, we have always believed that both teachers and parents play an important role in the growth and development of children and it is only through open communication, fruitful discussions and active participation that we can together lay a strong foundation for our children..
Brilliant CBSE School
“Bend the twig and shape the tree”, says the proverb. The molding of character at century starts with the children at the earliest age and the best education should be given at the right time.Present day education develops the intellect and skills but does little to develop good qualities.
Brilliant CBSE School
Learning is a life-long process. As far as schools are concerned shaping young minds is one of the biggest challenges, and at Brilliant Senior Secondary School we aim to empower our students to grow as individuals with strong minds by ensuring each child’s all round development, preparing them to make a mark in their own areas of interest.
About Brilliant CBSE School
( Pre-KG, LKG & UKG ) Sensory activities, Montessori Approach , Phonic drill, Play way Arithmetic, Life skills based curriculum , Soft skills, Creative work.
(I-V) English, II Language, Mathematics, Environmental Studies, Information Technology, General Knowledge, Life skills, Library.
(VI-VIII) English, II Language, III Language , Mathematics, Science & Technology, Social Science, Information Technology, Geneal Knowledge,Life skills,Library,Art & Craft, Dance & Music.
(IX-XII) English, II Language, III Language , Mathematics, Science & Technology, Social Science, Information Technology.
The Scheme Focuses on all round of Development and Personality of Our Students.
Why Choose Brilliant CBSE School
We provide our students with a safe learning environment that helps them grow as unique personalities. We know that each child is different and hence a one size fits all teaching method would never do. We employ several innovative teaching techniques that impart knowledge and instill strong values into the child to become responsible future citizens of the world.
Along with traditional lessons, we encourage our students to open their minds to a myriad of extracurricular activities, from Music and Dance to swimming and games. We believe in the child finding their happy place in school; it doesn’t matter if it’s in the science lab or the Football field.
About Brilliant CBSE School
About Brilliant CBSE School
Brilliant CBSE Testimonials
This school is best for every curricular and co curricular activities. Career point classes are going very well. This year newly introduced LEAD school system. Kg to v students also learning well at lead school@home. BRILLIANT school kids very enjoy to learning to develop their communication skills. Always gave 100% results in X and XII std. BRILLIANT school teachers are very kind and take effort to ensure our students knowledge and skills. Thank you.
A leading CBSE school established in 2013. Caters quality education to the rural mass. The building is maintained well. Has classes till twelfth. The science and commerce stream is offered in the school. The education is offered for boys and girls. Has facilities for pick up and drop off children by school bus operated by them.
Adirampattinam Road, Pudukkottai ullur, Pattukkottai Taluk, Thanjavur District
+91-73388 96055
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