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Brilliant CBSE School
A School with High Expectation and High Academic Achievement
Brilliant CBSE School
Achieving Together - Succeeding Together
Welcome to Brilliant CBSE School
“Every Child Matters"

About Brilliant CBSE School

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“Bend the twig and shape the tree”, says the proverb. The molding of character at century starts with the children at the earliest age and the best education should be given at the right time.Present day education develops the intellect and skills but does little to develop good qualities. Of what avail is all the knowledge in the world, if one has no good character, it is like water going down the drain! Education should serve not only to develop one’s intelligence and skills, but also help to broaden ones outlook and make him useful to society and the world at large

We recognize that learning comprises acquiring knowledge, assimilating ideas, perfecting skills, developing healthy attitudes and imbibing values. In Brilliant CBSE school we provide quality education with good moral values to enhance the pupils to build their fantastic future with our Brilliant family.

Er. V. Subramanian