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Brilliant CBSE School
A School with High Expectation and High Academic Achievement
Brilliant CBSE School
Achieving Together - Succeeding Together
Welcome to Brilliant CBSE School
“Every Child Matters"

About Brilliant CBSE School


NASA Educational Tour

Every year in the middle of september, Our children from grade V to XII visit NASA at Florida to emphasize the importance of Aerospace Engineering and upcoming technologies and also students visit the world’s biggest theme park(Disney World,Florida).Further to get better understanding of the USA educational system they have a visit to the Miami University different streams of accademics also they make conversation with the students and professors of the Miami University.In this tour students can avail 10 years multiple USA entry visa. After got entry visa they can use to study and their future settlement in the USA. Last academic year(2017-2018) group of eight students and in (2018-2019) group of fifteen students including girls successfully made a tour to NASA.